Choosing good pre-school for your child is very important. Attending pre-school coincides with critical formative period of your child personality and intellect. These years are extremely important and parents should be very attentive in such matter as choosing appropriate environment for their child development. The staff must be qualified, attentive and loving in such establishment.
In order to choose the best pre-school institution in your location you can look through available newspapers and magazines or browse Internet sites about education. Also ask for recommendations your acquaintance, relatives, neighbors or colleagues, whose children attended pre –school institutions. They are to know good ones. Always check couple of different sources (e.g. find nearest pre-school and ask your friends about it). Ask their children about impressions, achievements and grades.
After you kept an eye on one or two institutions find out its tuition fee. Also take into consideration the distance from your home to school. If it is situated too far from your home, - consider another one.
Call the school you’ve chosen or visit their web-site for such information as its accreditation and regulations. Study thoroughly all the information and make a decision about pre-school suitableness.
Also it is important to find out teacher-child correlation. It is obvious that the fewer children each teacher has, the better. It means that each child gets more attention. And love and appropriate attention is exactly what children in pre-school age need.
If you have an opportunity, watch the teachers in work. It will show you the level of their care and professionalism, which are so important for children development.
Compare the system of education in the school you’ve chosen with your expectations and make the final decision. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in such matters as your child’s future and prosperity.
In order to choose the best pre-school institution in your location you can look through available newspapers and magazines or browse Internet sites about education. Also ask for recommendations your acquaintance, relatives, neighbors or colleagues, whose children attended pre –school institutions. They are to know good ones. Always check couple of different sources (e.g. find nearest pre-school and ask your friends about it). Ask their children about impressions, achievements and grades.
After you kept an eye on one or two institutions find out its tuition fee. Also take into consideration the distance from your home to school. If it is situated too far from your home, - consider another one.
Call the school you’ve chosen or visit their web-site for such information as its accreditation and regulations. Study thoroughly all the information and make a decision about pre-school suitableness.
Also it is important to find out teacher-child correlation. It is obvious that the fewer children each teacher has, the better. It means that each child gets more attention. And love and appropriate attention is exactly what children in pre-school age need.
If you have an opportunity, watch the teachers in work. It will show you the level of their care and professionalism, which are so important for children development.
Compare the system of education in the school you’ve chosen with your expectations and make the final decision. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in such matters as your child’s future and prosperity.